I'm feeling the need to crawl up on my soapbox for a minute here. Try and bear with me.
I hate politics.
I am not a Democrat.
I am not a Republican.
I am not an Independent.
I am apolitical.
It's a game I just refuse to play. Will I be voting in the Presidential election in November? You bet your butt I will be. Blood was shed for that right and I'm not gonna throw it away. But am I going to tell you who I am voting for? Nope. I hate politics.
I'll be glad when the results are in and people will finally start shutting up a little bit. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but the world will still be spinning whenever they announce the winner. Whoever it is, I doubt the world is just going to go into freak-out mode. Gas will still cost an arm and a leg. There will still be troops that aren't home. Kids will still be dying of AIDS in Africa. The sun will still rise in the east. It's still gonna set in the west. This whole election thing isn't really that big of a deal.
Now, calm down. I'm not an anarchist, I swear. I promise I understand the importance of the American President. I'm just saying that there are bigger issues out there and that by making our President the most important person in the country we're selling ourselves short. Power isn't in the hands of the President. It's in the hands of the people. We are horribly dangerous. Well... we have the ability to be. I'm just trying to say that, no matter who wins the election, the ultimate power will still reside with the American people. One, fallible man will be the leader of our country. But if he's not doing a good job, we can overcome that. We have to be the change we want to see. We can't expect our politicians to do it for us.
I'd also like to plead with my generation for a moment. Please turn off your TVs for a bit. At least... take them off the comedy channel. Freedom of speech is amazing. I'm enjoying it right now, but don't let yourself be spoon-fed. Shows like the Daily Show and the Colbert Report are enjoyable and witty, but they are also teaching my generation that our leaders don't deserve any respect. I just think it's odd that we expect the rest of the world to respect our government but we won't. How sad. I'm gonna slowly back away from my soapbox now.
Much love and much peace,