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It's that time again...

It would seem that Christmas time is nearly upon us. I love December. All the cool people are born then. Don Johnson, Walt Disney, some dude named Mark, a girl named Sunnie, Me, Jesus... Seriously. It's a month for awesome people.

And my brother, who has been in Miami since August, is coming home! I've actually kinda missed him. It's amazing how much better we get along when we no longer live in the same house - let alone state.

I'm just happy it's finally cold out. I love warm weather as much as the next person, but there's just something about the cold that makes me feel alive. It's also a great excuse to find a comfy spot and read a book. There's something to be said about the feeling one gets when finishing a novel in one sitting. :)

As far as gift giving goes, I'm taking the advice of and conserving money. Instead of buy pricey gifts, I bought lots of yarn. I'll be using my extensive old-lady knitting and crocheting skills to *make* gifts instead this year. The money I save will be going to a Christian charity. I don't know which one yet.

Well, I'll update as the holiday season progresses.

God bless,

1 Comment:

  1. Kalford said...
    I want a scarf! ha!

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