1. Books smell really good.
2. There was a time in my life when I thought the only person who understood me was a fictional girl named Harriet M. Welsch. Because of this attachment, I've read Harriet the Spy over a dozen times. It inspired me to get a notebook of my own.
3. In the end, the only peace Frodo really got was found when he finally sailed to the Middle Earth equivalent of Heaven. But he knew he had done what he had to do. I believe that's a little how my father felt as he passed through the pearly gates.
4. We didn't do a lot of traveling in my family as I was growing up. Books were the only way I could see the world. I could probably find my way around the Heart of Gold or Hobbiton just as easily as I can Jonesboro.
5. I've read my share of trashy romance novels. I've even read Twilight. After all that, I can only conclude this: if I ever find a man that is a subtle blend of Aragorn and Mr. Darcy I will marry him *immediately*. And that is no lie.
6. Escape.
7. My own decisions didn't seem so hard when I realized that Ender had been fighting the aliens the whole time.
8. I thought I had a pretty good handle on the narrow vision of "the south". Then I read "To Kill A Mockingbird".
9. After "Wringer" I knew I wouldn't have been able to kill the bird either. And I also knew I'd never back down when my own time came.
10. No book of mine has ever crashed, gotten a virus, refused to open or randomly deleted all the words within it.