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2AM and the Writer is Awake

It’s 2AM and I'm awake. Awake, but not writing. (Unless you count this, of course.) I managed to get some much needed work done to the novel today yet my word count didn’t budge. Housekeeping, I suppose one would say. It felt nice.
Part of me knows that I should be working on my novel. If I'm going to be awake and alert at this time of night, shouldn’t I be putting it to good use? Alas, my mind is elsewhere.
Tonight, I'm thinking of past. Well, Pasts, actually. We all have one. We all come with something else included. We’re all packaged deals. Some of us come with spouses. Some of us come with children. Some of us come with mountains we have climbed, struggles we have faced and battles we have fought - including some we lost. Accepting the extra weight, the “baggage” is what makes a friend a friend, right?
Me? I come complete with a loving mother and sarcastic brother. But I also am followed by the ghost of my father. If you want me you get all of my enthusiasm and gusto, my playfulness and humor, my creativity and imagination. With all of that you also get my mood swings and my tears, my bouts of immaturity and stubbornness, my manic periods and my off-kilter sleep cycles.
“No man is an island.” Yes. But I would also add that, “No person is simply a piece. We are all a puzzle, to which every event, person and personality quirk contribute.” To love, we accept - past and all.

“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” Romans 15:7

1 Comment:

  1. Kalford said...
    I'm studying peraonlity theory right now, studying all the parts of who we become. We are a bunch of puzzle pieces. One piece is our brother, another is the swing set we didn't get, another the soccer game we won at the last second. Put all the pieces together and you get a picture, without one piece who don't get the full picture. I love the illustration, I might use it in my theroy paper. Thanks for sharing!

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