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I wish I could write a poem


I wish I could write a poem
as beautiful as a mountain.
Like that mountain,
that morning in North Carolina,
where I was shaking with my usual fear
and filled with my usual dread.
A stream percolated from the rocks
and ran past my feet
as I stumbled through the trees
on the footpath.
I was stumbling away from my
regularly scheduled panic
and fleeing into the
green and brown embrace
the mountain promised.
I sought the voice of God.
I heard leaves swishing
and water running
and realized His voice
was not as loud
as I remembered.

1 Comment:

  1. Kalford said...
    I like this Sarah, I really want to be there right not, with the water running, leaves whistling, and His voice whispering in my hear. I love how you say that is ont as loud as you remember. I am sorry to say that many times, my panic and anxiety drowns Him out.

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