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Twenty Years - a new poem

The first twenty years
of my life
were a fight.
A fight
against everything.
Like a toddler fights
every playpen
you put him in
every bite of food
that might do him good.
I raged at every turn
without prejudice
and without payment
for what I did
and what I had.
Every iota of energy
was used
against! against! against!

I felt tired
too early
and old
too young.

May the next twenty years
be a slow surrender
to who I am becoming,
whoever that may be.
May the fire in my spirit
be the hearth
by which we sit.
May I live
in quiet revelations.
May I always long to touch
the eternal
with my simple, mortal
May I breathe
and deeply
so that every flavor in the air
alights briefly
on my tongue
in a flicker of understanding.
May not a day pass
without learning
or a night
without courage
to face the dark.
May I stave off
and always court
May I never be dead
while I am
May I never beg
for more days
than I am given,
whether twenty years
begets another twenty
or not.


  1. Hanna Mae said...
    I really love this... it's kind of awesome. Also, because you forgot, I am dedicating this to me since the next 20 years of my life begins next Monday. :) lol

    Much love!
    Kelley Alford said...
    I'm printing this and putting it on my wall. I forgot what is like to live with passion to care about something. I hope this encourages me to do so. Can't wait to see you friend.
    Anonymous said...
    You always amaze me with the musicality of your verses...not to mention their profundity. Sometimes, I wish I could write like Sarah Wofford.

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