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To the Deeping Wall
- a poem of battle and friendship -

Once more,
to the deeping wall we go.
To that stone wall
out of the dust
of our insecurities
and second thoughts.
Never will it be crossed
by our enemies.
Too much of our pain
has been mixed
with its mortar.
Too much of our anger
its stone.
Once more
we stand at our positions,
defending the keep
from an enemy
whose making would probably lead
to those of us who villainize it.
But never the matter,
a villain is villainy
when it threatens to burn the gates.
So onward we set
out from our homes
riding our
plastic particleboard horses
to acts of anti-heroism
and deep confusion.
But to the deeping wall we charge!
There our every breath
is the opening note
to our last stand
and stanza.
Our weapons,
merely props from Shakespeare’s
lesser plays,
but our battle cries
all the greatest sonnets.
We will meet you
face to face
and this is our victory!
No matter if we win
or lose.

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