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The first step

I'm currently getting a bunch of self-addressed, stamped envelopes ready. In the next few days I'm going to begin sending out my poems and short stories to every literary magazine I can find that will accept submissions. I'm a bit horrified, I must admit. It feels like I'm letting my children off into the world for the first time. They've never been so far away from me. I'm worried they won't be treated nice. At some point one of them will limp home with a rejection letter in their hand. I can't wait.

Dignity? I Hope Not.

I watched Lord of the Rings last weekend. Friday was the Fellowship, Saturday was Two Towers and Sunday was Return of the King. I laughed. I cried. I was eerily giddy. I've watched these movies more times than I can count and I still have the same reaction each time. It had been over a year since I had seen them in their entirety. You'd think I would have calmed down a bit. But no. I'm still just as much of a die-hard fangirl as I was when I first immersed myself in Middle Earth back in junior high.

But how can you not love these films and these books? I know some people can't stand them, but I don't see how. They're just so epic. The story says so much about the human condition, about everything that's wrong and right with people. I can't help but feel a deep connection to it.

I could go on all day about the awesomeness of all things Tolkien, but I won't. Hopefully I'll write a book about it someday. Until then, I'll just be here, books in hand, watching the movies with my Legolas standee. :D

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